1. Physical Health:
We all have a physical vehicle that gets us from place to place, helps us communicate with our loved ones and helps us solve the problem of living in this physical universe. It's important that we take care of our body; get lots of sleep, excersize, eat at least 2 meals per day, drink lots of water, take vitamins, spend time with loved ones, have a means of supporting oneself and a healthy mental outlook on life. As marketers we need to be healthy in order to provide marketing service solutions.
2. Financial Resources/Wealth:
In goal setting, it is important to know where you have been in order to know where you are going. What skills do you have that can be used to generate new and lasting income for yourself and your family? What financial marketing tools will you be using to generate that income?
3. Environment:
In order to be truly productive we need to spend time in an environment that is conducive to thinking and working. Setup your computer work space so that you are able to concentrate on your plans and goals without interuption. Place goal setting information in a place where you can see it daily. Sometimes we lose our focus but a visual reminder can help us focus in on what we want to be thinking about. Setup a few hours each day to focus on your goals. What is the marketing environment like today? To sell your product competively you must understand your product's swot (strengths, weaknesses, opportunites and threats).
4. Mental Focus:
What are you willing to give up in terms of time in order to get a new mental tool. What field of knowledge are you interested in. If you are unsure of where your interest lies, what new class will you take or what new book will you pick up to explore new possibilities? What marketing communication will you provide to your clients so that they better understand how to use your services and products?Will you focus on the U.S. market or expand into international markets?
5. Creating Your Plan of Action:
Set a few minutes aside each day to create your plan of action. List out the steps of your major goals and then underneith the major goals list out the minor steps it takes to reach your goals. Use visual diagrams, create lists, write down your goals and then set up timeframes when you wish to have the goals accomplished. Don't expect every goal you set to be met within a certain timeframe. It's best to be flexible, try different paths to get to the same outcome. We all have circumstances that help us or heed our progress. One of the major goals in your plan of action is "determination to succeed". Another goal is to have a "backup plan" in case one of your goals is momentarily side-tracked. How will you setup your marketing and planning guide this year? Will you be using only the written word or will you be using audio and multimedia vehicles to market and promote your product?
6. Follow-Through
Don't give up, follow-through. Every step leads you closer to your goal. Don't put off until tomorrow what you can do today. "There is no time like the present" to follow-through on your plans towards your marketing success goals.
When you begin to work out your goals you need to make them as specific as possible. A vague idea or generalization will not excite your imagination and get your subconscious mind behind it, so you need to be as specific and vivid as possible. You can always refine and change your goals as time passes and situations change. You can always add to your goals later too, so don't let some uncertainty stop you making a goal initially. Just go for it!
Try to make your goals realistic and achievable. Don't set a goal which is too difficult, but likewise don't set a goal which is so easy that it will fail to excite and inspire you. Set lots of small, achievable goals and work step by step to achieve your road to success. Stay positive. Believe in yourself and your abilities to succeed, even if other people doubt you or try to put you off your goals.
Here is a step by step process to go through when setting your goals, to ensure that they are practical, achievable and recordable.
1. You may want to begin your goal setting with the big picture. Start with a general theme of what or where you want to improve.
2. Assess your current situation. Where are you now? What don't you like about it? What could happen if things don't change?
3. What do you want instead? Identify what goal you are moving toward because that should be your final, ultimate outcome. This is very important in goal setting. If your mind doesn't have a picture of what you are moving towards, how can you get there?
4. Are you capable of achieving this goal? Are there things that you need to learn or skills you need to acquire? Do you need other people to help you if you are going to successfully achieve this goal?
5. How have you progressed? Compare how much better it is now with a benchmark in the past. This step is almost always missing in goal setting directions. Take the time to celebrate your movement towards a goal. By noticing how far you have come, and allowing yourself a small reward for progress made, it gives you a renewed impetus to move forward again.
6. Where, when, how, with whom will you achieve your goal? You should adjust your goal to make sure that it fits.
7. Make your Goal Multi-sensory. Engage all of your senses in the description of your goals. This works by employing more of your brain and nervous system and investing more power in the achievement of your goals.
What will you see, hear, feel, etc., when you have achieved your goal?
What is the evidence that you've achieved it?
8. What steps are involved in Reaching your goal? Take things one step at a time and you can achieve your goals.
9. Be specific about what you want in terms of your overall goal.
10. List all the resources (people, psychological states, time, capital, equipment, or material) necessary for you to achieve your goal and think about where and how you will get those.
11. Name all the possible obstacles to overcome and try to think pf them in order of importance or severity.
12. Based on the obstacles listed you identified think of all the necessary actions to overcome those obstacles.
13. Make sure you put your goal into a format which you find compelling.
When you see your goal, make sure you see yourself having obtained your goal.