In today’s competitive and constantly changing business environment it can be a challenge for a business to be successful. In order to be a successful business you must make goals and plan to achieve them. There are three essential areas of good business goal planning that will help you achieve your business goal. They are: strategies, skills and systems.


A strategy is the development and execution of a plan directed toward a specified business goal. You must have a defined business goal to employ a strategy. It is also important to select the right business strategy.

Business Skills

Business skills play a vital role in the development of your business. The more skills you have the more confidence you will have in directing your efforts toward a desired business goal. Business management and self management skills are the two most important sets of business skills that an effective business owner will develop.

Planning involves the ability to prioritize activities in your personal life and the workload in your business life. This means determining what things need to be done first and doing those things before the interruption of other things. Many unsuccessful business people fail because they become overwhelmed. Prioritizing and planning will eliminate the feeling of being overwhelmed.

The language we use to communicate with others is very important when we are running a business and our emotional state of mind can influence our language. However, aside from the emotional context, the language we use to direct and to serve people says volumes about our managing abilities. Positive language always achieves better results. You will find it much easier to be positive in your communication if you are certain about the business goals for which you are aiming.

You also need to be able to communicate your business goals to people within your organization. Of course there are other elements involved in effective marketing, but it all starts with effective communications. You need to make business goals about how you will manage people working for you too. This requires you to be able to train, evaluate and monitor the progress of those people who are working for you. It also means having the ability to direct and delegate responsibilities to achieve the most effective results for your business.


All successful businesses have systems in place that help that business grow. Systems allow owners to monitor business performance and modify it as the profit margin dictates. Systems also help maintain consistency in operations from management to sales. Systems can, when properly utilized, have a positive impact on driving up your profits, but only if you have clear business goals with which to guide these systems.

Unless you, as a business owner, plan the future of your business, you will not be able to rise above the cut throat competition. If you plan your business you will succeed in the business plan. You and your team will be clear about what needs to be achieved and what the agreed strategies are for achieving these business goals. This should allow you to pull together for maximum effectiveness and maximum profit.