There are many different ways to make money online during your spare time. One option you have is to work online as an online tutor to help others with difficulties in their education. There is a lot of money to be made as a tutor online, but it all depends on how good you are and how much time and dedication you put into it. The most common fields that tutors or being hired for is Algebra, Physics and Chemistry. This is because of the increasing demands for these fields, as well as being areas of schooling many students struggle with. If you have some background in these fields, online tutoring may be a good option for you.
Check availability on web sites that offer online tutors. They will have the criteria required for their website, and the qualifications needed. If you browse websites, be sure to check on their application process, because each site will have a process and test method. Be sure to apply to as many online tutoring services as possible. This way if you are unsuccessful with one, you still have possibilities with the others. Apply to the site of your choice and complete the examinations. You will have to prove your skills through the examination process, so be sure to put in your best effort. Once you have completed the testing process, you must wait to hear back from the site in order to see if your application has been accepted.
You must select the hours that you will work. Most companies will need you to work a minimum number of hours, generally 5-6, but others may require more. You can always work more than the minimum, depending on the amount of free time you're willing to give to your tutoring. Normally, your time is limited to 30 hours per week of work.
Most companies pay for online courses by check or direct deposit once a month. You will be paid according to the number of hours for your tutoring. Your payment schedule will be explained during the application process and you will be required to agree to it before you are accepted into their program.
The tutoring service will set you up with the students, as well as provide you with the necessary materials to help you succeed. Remember to ask the tutoring service any questions you may have. This way you will be sure to follow procedure and make the most of your tutoring experience. Working as an online tutor is a great experience. You can help others get the education they need, and can make some money in the process. It is always a good feeling when you can share your knowledge with others and know that you helped someone out.
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