Depending on what kinds of products you are offering you may be able to create a monthly membership site and earn recurring income as your members pay their subscription fees. Let’s explore some of the ways you can create a monthly membership as part of your Internet marketing empire.
Access to Product
Several Internet marketers have found success with monthly membership sites where they promote PLR (Private Label Rights) products. They charge a certain amount each month and they provide their members with ebooks, articles, video, audio, banners, and other products that the members then go on to market however they wish. Members are under no obligation to continue their membership and can cancel anytime they wish. Many Internet marketers limit the number of members they will accept so that the content isn’t overly saturated. While membership sites can be a lot of work to set up in the beginning, once you have it up and running, you can earn a lot of profit if you are able to get and maintain a solid membership base. You might even offer a lower introductory price for the first month so people won’t have to pay full price just to see if they like it.
If you know how to do something well, you can teach others how to do the same thing. There are several very successful Internet marketers who earn money by teaching others how to make money online. While this is a very competitive market, if you are able to prove that you have been successful doing so, you may be able to earn even more money by starting a coaching program.
Many of the online coaching programs are quite expensive because the coach spends one on one time with the person being coached so this isn’t something that can be done very cheaply. After all, if the coach is spending most of his time teaching others, then that is time he is taking away from earning more money so it stands to reason that most coaching programs cost quite a bit. This can be quite lucrative for the Internet marketer with a proven track record so if this is something you are interested in, start laying your groundwork now.
Teach Others how to Create and Run Paid Membership Sites
Perhaps you are already earning revenue from a paid membership site. If so, you have the potential to earn even more by teaching others how to create and maintain a paid membership site. You might also offer to actually set up the site if that is one of your talents and you could charge a flat fee for setting up the site plus a weekly or monthly fee for teaching the information as to how to run the site.
You can earn a handsome income with paid membership sites. You can also earn a hefty profit by teaching others how to do what you are already successfully doing and getting paid for. Brainstorm now to see how paid membership sites can boost your profits.
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