One of the things that many people forget when they think of team building seminars is that part of the point of being there is to have fun. Yes, the exercises do promote new ideas and concepts, but there is a lot of fun team building games and activities to enjoy as well. Here are a few ways you can disguise learning as play for your students.


What fun team building exercises should you consider? To begin, have your students do a few ice breaker activities. These involve exercises that allow them to get to know one another. These can be simple introductions as well as name memory games and other fun games. These unifying activities help create a bond between your students that they will only strengthen as the activities continue.


Once your group has warmed up a little, it's time for some physical fun team building. These include hands on games such as group tag, parachute games, relay races, catching games, the human knot, and other activities that encourage teamwork, fast thinking, communication, and problem solving skills. Furthermore, it also does wonders for getting your group delightfully lively and bouncy.


Once you've enjoyed your physical fun team building, it's time for some verbal and mental team building exercises. These include games such as call and response games, memory games, what-if scenarios, the telephone game, word associations, and more. These games are not only a fun way to spend an afternoon—they also do wonders for promoting discussion skills, critical thinking, empathy, public speaking, and more.


Keep in mind that should any mistakes occur during these games, you should make every effort possible not to single out or chastise any single individual and promptly put a stop to any signs of the group ganging up on any single person. Rather than look at this in a negative way, it's a simple matter to simply discuss how the goal could have been reached.


These are only a few fun team building exercises to consider. You'll rapidly find that your students will begin to use the concepts they learned during these games in their everyday activities during school. Furthermore, the more you nurture these concepts, the more likely your students will be able to use them in the workplace as well, making them a valuable contributor to the group. Learn more today about how these team activities can benefit you and your students!