Whether you're leading a classroom full of students through various team building exercises or you just want to refresh your corporate employees on the value of teamwork and strength in numbers, there are a variety of team building resources to consider. Fortunately, regardless of the activities you have planned, it's not difficult to find the resources you need. Here are a few suggestions on what to look for.
One of the first team building resources that any seminar leader needs is a plan book. This book includes a basic schedule regarding the activities you plan to do. Also included are a few back up activities that may come in handy should one game not generate the desired response. Other aspects to include in your plan book include discussion topics and inspirational quotes. When it comes to keeping your group organized and productive, a plan book is one of your most crucial team building resources.
Do you plan on enjoying any athletic team building games? If so, there may be a few tools you'll need. These include various balls for catching games, objects for relay races, and a bag of interesting things to hide when playing scavenger hunts. Of course, this list varies depending on what activity you plan on doing.
Another example of primary team building resources includes a few pamphlets and syllabi you'll want to hand out to your group. This includes a mission statement regarding the seminar, a list of activities, an explanation for each one, and perhaps some information regarding the overall aspect of team building and how it can benefit you. Again, depending on the activities you plan on doing, you may want to include objects such as small notebooks for your team to take notes in or write down answers to questions with. Another common example of team building resources is a projector. These are useful for displaying notes, pictures, photographs, power point presentations, and more.
These are only a few team building resources to consider when arranging a team building seminar. Keep in mind that the team building resources you'll need may vary depending on the subject of your seminar, the age group of your team, and other factors. Regardless of what you end up choosing, sound planning will work wonders in making sure you have everything you need to instruct and educate. Learn more today about what resources you should consider when planning a team building seminar.
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